Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hmm, new online sales tricks?

I think I'm seeing a new trend in seller tricks and scams. Trying to trick the not so savy people who use the internet...

And using the trend in blogging to do it. They make a blog look like someones personal entries, with (what IU think) is some fake responses to fool people into thinking a real person lost weight, or got whiter teeth.. etc. I've seen a few of these kinds of things already where the person is all "THIS IS GREAT! It worked for me!Q Here is where you can buy it!"

I saw an add. I clicked on it. I went here:

So, yeah... not everyone has professional before and after photos. I'd just use my digital camera with my messy house in the back ground ^_^

Its a shame... but people will buy it. Taking advantage of the masses is how money is made.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Overdrive Woes

I've been attempting to use overdrive off of a few times now. I can't get the downloader to work. I downloaded a file, but without the software, I can't use it. So I've counted this as a fail in the e-auidobook department. I can't get it to work.

Something I COULD do though... I take an actual audio book, rip it to my computer through windows media player, then add those files to my MP3 player. I know those will work. Those files then act like the song files do.

I'm sure if I hunt, I'll find more Audio books. In the past I've seen free downloads available. Something might pop up again.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning

I'm a big believer in Life Long learning because i feel librairanship is so closely tied to education. We may not be considered teachers since we aren't in a school, but we educate on a daily basis. We teach people about to use the library, how to use the internet and technology, and all the resources available to them.

The tutorial itself was great to follow. I'd love to work on some projects of my own just like that.

I've always been supportive of being open minded towards new experiences and people and situations who are different from me, or outside my comfort zone. Doing something new has always been exhilarating for me. I enjoy trying new hobbies, even if I don't take them up for a long period. I would consider this my biggest strength.

My biggest weakness would probably be viewing problems as challenges. I can get frustrated when I hit a roadblock. Because of that frustration, it become harder for me to see it as a lerning experience because I may be feeling annoyed and hassled.


Online Productivity

I wasn't a fan of Zoho. I like using installed productivity software, like office or works. Open Office is also good. (Free!)

Zoho might be good for a document you need to jointly work on at work with your employees so all can access it.

#23 Reflections


Though I consider myself knowledgeable on Internet 2.0, I hadn't taken the time to put the tools to personal use, or to consider how a Library can use them - for patrons or for life-long learning. The activity was thought provoking and of course made me realize hw certain applications can be shared and used for Library programs.

Some things they can be useful for are book discussion groups and activities with Teens and children. Some of the things we looked at can have some practicle uses outside social networking. Delicious can help you stay organized if you're on the go and at other computers. You can access important bookmarks from the web.

Things like facebook can create user groups and keep people informed of activities within the library. It can also help other patrons find one another and learn they may have similar interests.

My favorite outcome of 23 Things has been my bloglines account. I like being able to log into one account and have my subscriptions on a list i can navigate through and read easily.


e-Audio books and Overdrive

I was dissapointed in the Teen section at Overdrive... There were some older classics, like My Brother Same is dead and New popular fiction, like Twilight, but otherwise there were very few! And since I focus on youth services, I was sad to see so few downloads available.

There were only 3 titles by my favorite Romance author. And I'd already read them.

Having to wait for a download seems frustrating and I believe would be off putting for patrons...



I didn't look into podcasts much beyond watching ones made for the TV show LOST. I'm a big fan so when the show creators would release Q&A podcasts, I'd watch them as soon as I could. Otherwise I rarely watched them. I also never had any classes that used them, however we did talk about using them in the classroom for student projects.

I found some book review casts on I'll be sure to use that search site again once I decide to get into Podcasts more heavily.