Thursday, January 15, 2009

#15 Wiki

#15 Wiki

I'm for Wiki's. I love them. Sure they have drawbacks. And I DO NOT consider them creadible sources on things like say... researching cancer or history. It's good for a quick general hunt, but I always recheck my facts somewhere else. People can edit it and change whatever they want. Some people are malicious about it.

However, when it comes to fancases, I adore them. Fans are dedicated! Take the Star Wars wiki, Wookiepedia. It is HUGE and is always being updated as new star wars books, movies, shows, and comics are released. For a fan, this is heaven. But even those have problems with users signing up to delete things. Some of the pages were locked so they could only be edited by certain users.

I like the idea of using a Wiki for some projects during the summer reading programs. If you can get all the right premissions and privacy settings, you can post pictures and children's stories or quotes on a wiki that can be later shared with parents. Although a blog could be used for the same purpose. It all depends on how YOU like to edit things, or the kind of layout you prefer.

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