Thursday, January 15, 2009


You Tube

I am not a stranger to YouTube. I've been using it for entertainment for years. I like to look up commercials, move trailers, fan made music videos and ameture filmakers (plus fads that come and go) like Numa Numa. I can even find and watch some anime on there. Uploading those things online isn't always legal... but that doesnt seem to stop people.

Over the years, I've uploaded some of my own music video creations. However in the past few months, they've been removed because of copyright claimes. Videos I made using songs by James Blunt and Emmy Rossum were removed by YouTube. It upsets me, since I paid for the songs and spent time creating the videos. It was a hobby, so it was fun for me. But The point is to SHARE these things.

I understand the legal issues. But You'd think getting artists' names out there would be a good thing. I've been turned onto a lot of new music (which I later BOUGHT) because of such fan made videos. And all us video makers are suffering through this sudden copyright mad dash,

Anyway. Enough RANTS. Back to the topic.

I'd use YTube while doing some teen programing. I'd love to do a program on some video editing for teens using the free tools on most Window computers. Microsoft offers free, basic software called Move Maker. It's too simple for me, but it is how I got started years ago. I'd love to turn others onto it. It might lead them in more directions!

This is my channel:

This is one of my posted videos.
A Harry Potter one!

And this is one of my favorite videos...
(found this a few years ago. Still makes me laugh every time!)

And this one is just for cuteness. Everyone, 1.. 2.. 3... AWWWWW!

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