Thursday, January 15, 2009

#23 Reflections


Though I consider myself knowledgeable on Internet 2.0, I hadn't taken the time to put the tools to personal use, or to consider how a Library can use them - for patrons or for life-long learning. The activity was thought provoking and of course made me realize hw certain applications can be shared and used for Library programs.

Some things they can be useful for are book discussion groups and activities with Teens and children. Some of the things we looked at can have some practicle uses outside social networking. Delicious can help you stay organized if you're on the go and at other computers. You can access important bookmarks from the web.

Things like facebook can create user groups and keep people informed of activities within the library. It can also help other patrons find one another and learn they may have similar interests.

My favorite outcome of 23 Things has been my bloglines account. I like being able to log into one account and have my subscriptions on a list i can navigate through and read easily.

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