Thursday, January 15, 2009

Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning

I'm a big believer in Life Long learning because i feel librairanship is so closely tied to education. We may not be considered teachers since we aren't in a school, but we educate on a daily basis. We teach people about to use the library, how to use the internet and technology, and all the resources available to them.

The tutorial itself was great to follow. I'd love to work on some projects of my own just like that.

I've always been supportive of being open minded towards new experiences and people and situations who are different from me, or outside my comfort zone. Doing something new has always been exhilarating for me. I enjoy trying new hobbies, even if I don't take them up for a long period. I would consider this my biggest strength.

My biggest weakness would probably be viewing problems as challenges. I can get frustrated when I hit a roadblock. Because of that frustration, it become harder for me to see it as a lerning experience because I may be feeling annoyed and hassled.

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